How To Clear Output Screen In Turbo C++

How To Clear Output Screen In Turbo C++

  1. How To Clear Output Screen In Turbo C++ Free
How To Clear Output Screen In Turbo C++C++ clear screen function

It is a predefined function in 'conio.h' (console input output header file) used to clear the console screen.It is a predefined function, by using this function we can clear the data from console (Monitor). Using of clrscr is always optional but it should be place after variable or function declaration only. Resident evil 4 ultimate item modifier. 4) Run your program by pressing ctrl+f9 (Turbo c user). Print your Name using C Program getch( ): Usually getch (getch function) is used to read a character from screen. But here we are using this to add a Pause to our Output Screen. If we don’t add this in our program, our program’s output screen will close quickly after running our.

How To Clear Output Screen In Turbo C++ Free

In the first point thanks for the reply guys..
to be more precise, i DO NOT want to clear the entire screen, just the current line..
@banfa, those strings were just an real scenario, i would be getting strings of varying length and the 'fflush(stdout)' it didn't help me ..
If clearing a specific line is not possible, then i would atleast work in a different way, but i need to make sure and get some opinion from people and some concrete proof..
Actually, what Banfa stated had only partially to do with fflush(), what he is actully talking about is that you use 'r' to bring the cursor back to the begining of the line and then write over the line, ensuring that you put spaces over those characters that you have not written over. The fflush() is used to ensure the stuff you outputed is done right away. stdout is line buffered so if you do not use fflush() it will not show up until a 'n' is seen or the buffer becomes full.
If you are only replacing part of the end of the line, you can also use 'b' to backspace the number of characters you want to replace. Such as:
  1. printf('Stuff to complete: 00%');
  2. fflush(stdout);
  3. printf('bbb30%');
  4. fflush(stdout);
  5. printf('bbb60%');
  6. fflush(stdout);
  7. printf('bbb90%');
  8. fflush(stdout);
  9. printf('bbb100%');
  10. printf('n');