Repo and Github Gone any Githubs saying blamo won’t be me. As a developer I’m done for good Some users in the Kodi community have speculated that Blamo was the recipient of a cease and desist letter from ACE, the group that has sent letters to various members in the Kodi community in the past. Go to Install from zip file; Find the zip file for the repository. In our case, we go to blamo and then double click; This will update the repository. You’ll see a notification saying the repository is updated after a second; Now we need to update the add-on that is causing the problem. Go to My add-ons. Now, i will show you all steps that help you learn about how to install kodi addons or kodi repositories from file. I will use to make this example, you can download latest version of from Here (saved this file to any location on.
Repository Blamo 0.0 3 Zip File
Unofficial Kodi Addons from the TVADDONS.CO Add-on Repository. Please visit for support!Kodi is a registered trademark of the XBMC Foundation. We are not connected to or in any other way affiliated with Kodi, Team Kodi, or the XBMC Download
Install Guide via Fusion Installer
Repository Blamo 0.0 3 Zipper
- Select the Add-ons tab from the vertical menu bar within Kodi.
- Click on the little open box icon at the top left corner of the Add-ons interface.
- Choose the Install from zip file function.
- Select the fusionco server from the listing.
- Open the kodi-repos folder.
- Select the english folder, or international for foreign language addons.
- Select the addon developer's repository:
- Wait a second for the repository to download.
- Select the Install from repository function at this point.
- Choose the repository you just installed: Addon Repository
- Select the repository add-ons category.
- Select the addon you wish to install: TVADDONS.CO Add-on Repository
- Click on the Install button at the lower right corner of the screen.
- If prompted, select the latest version from the listing.
- If prompted, press the OK button to accept necessary dependencies.
- Wait a few seconds for the addon and its dependencies to download.
Install Guide via Git Browser
- Click on the Add-ons tab from the vertical menu bar within Kodi.
- Select the Program add-ons category.
- Launch the Git Browser tool from the right side of the screen.
- Select the Search by GitHub Username option.
- Click on the *** New Search *** function.
- Using the on-screen keyboard, enter the addon developer's GitHub username: tvaddons
- Press the OK button on the right side of the keyboard.
- Click on the corresponding repository ZIP file at the top of the listing, in order to facilitate automated addon updates in the future:
- Press the Install button when prompted.
- Wait a few seconds for the process to complete.
- Press the Continue button when prompted to proceed.
- Click on the addon ZIP file you wish to install:
- Press the Install button to proceed.
- Wait a few seconds for the addon and dependencies to install.
- When prompted, press the Restart button to finalize installation.