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Description: A programming language for engineering and mathematical calculations. Extensive library of functions simplifies work (in particular, graphical display of data)
MATLAB is a high-level technical computing language, an interactive algorithm development environment and a modern data analysis tool. MATLAB in comparison with traditional programming languages (C / C ++, Java, Pascal, FORTRAN) allows to reduce the time of solving typical problems by an order of magnitude and greatly simplifies the development of new algorithms. MATLAB is the backbone of the entire MathWorks family of products and is the main tool for solving a wide range of scientific and applied problems, in such areas as: object modeling and control systems development, communication systems design, signal and image processing, signal measurement and testing, financial modeling, computational biology, etc.
The MATLAB kernel makes it as easy as possible to work with matrices of real, complex and analytical data types. Contains built-in functions for linear algebra (LAPACK, BLAS), fast Fourier transform (FFTW), functions for working with polynomials, basic statistics functions, and numerical solution of differential equations. All built-in MATLAB kernel functions are designed and optimized by experts to perform faster or in the same way as their C / C ++ equivalent
Key features
• Platform-independent, high-level programming language focused on matrix calculations and algorithm development
• Interactive environment for code development, file and data management
• Functions of linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, solving differential equations, etc.
• Rich visualization tools, 2-D and 3-D graphics
• Built-in user interface development tools for building complete MATLAB applications
• Tools for integration with C / C ++, code inheritance, ActiveX technologies
• Access to .NET functions
• Convenient simulation in the Simulink environment
• And much more
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