Ssis Script Task Message Box Variable

  1. Ssis Script Task Message Box Variable
  2. Ssis Script Task Msgbox Variables

The following example will show how to use variables in Script Task.

  • Next, click on General on the far right to give the Script task a name and thorough description. Click OK to close out the Script Task Properties window. To execute the package, click on the green arrow or press F5 to execute the package. The results from the stored procedure will now display in the message box!
  • This is returned to the result set and stored in a variable of object type. That variable is then read in a subsequent script task. As outlined below. This example code pulls a datatable out of the recordset and then iterates through it, displaying info to show you it's working via msgbox.
  • I pass an SSIS variable into the component called 'ContactGUID'. The component also has 1 input, 'CRMRecordId', which is the GUID of the custom entity I want to retrieve the xcontact value from. The component has a CRMConnection manager and one output column added.
  • Click on edit script and add Message box (MessageBox.Show (Dts.Variables 'Message'.Value.ToString );) inside Main Function as below Screenshot Save and Click ok Run your Package this will display your variable value in the Message box as below. Please write in Comments If you'r stuck with any step or need any help.

Ssis Script Task Message Box Variable

The follow up of post

SSIS Script Task doesn't appear to run when scheduled 1 SSIS: To run the package outside of SQL Server Data Tools you must install expression task of integration services or higher.

Access an SSIS global variable

Add a global variable to the package by clicking the “Add Variable” button of the variables panel.

Change the name of the variable to “TestVariable,” its data type to “String,” and it’s value to “InitialValue.”

Double-click on the Script Task component to bring up the script task editor.

Click on the “ReadWriteVariables” button to bring up the “Select Variables” window.

Check the box in the “User:TestVariable” line and click the “OK” button.

The script task now has read/write access to the TestVariable. Click the “OK” button to end the variable configuration session.

Ssis Script Task Message Box Variable

The script task now has read/write access to the TestVariable. Click the “OK” button to end the variable configuration session.

Replace the C#.NET script task code in the Main procedure from the previous lesson with the following code, then save and execute it.

string temp1 = null;

string temp2 = null;

temp1 = (string)Dts.Variables[“TestVariable”].Value;

temp2 = “New Value”;

DialogResult button = MessageBox.Show(“The current value of the SSIS global variable ‘TestVariable’ is ‘” + temp1 + “.’rn rn The value wi

Dts.Variables[“TestVariable”].Value = temp2.ToString();

button = MessageBox.Show(“The value of SSIS global variable ‘TestVariable’ has been changed to ‘” + (string)Dts.Variables[“TestVariable”].Val

The current value of ‘TestVariable’ is read by this statement.

temp1 = (string)Dts.Variables[“TestVariable”].Value;

The first dialog box displays the current value of ‘TestVariable’ and the value to which it will be changed.

The new value of ‘TestVariable’ is set by this statement.

Dts.Variables[“TestVariable”].Value = temp2.ToString();

The second dialog box confirms that the value of ‘TestVariable’ has been changed.

Ssis Script Task Msgbox Variables

Being able to read and write global SSIS variables enables transfer of information between SSIS package components.