Now playing on my French song playlist:
Title: Amour plastique
Songwriters: Adèle Castillon, Esteban Capron, Matthieu Reynaud
Amour Plastique Lyrics In French
- Sep 12, 2018 VIDEOCLUB - Amour Plastique (English Translation) Lyrics: In my mind everything rambles / I get lost in your eyes / I get drown in the wave / Of your lover glance / I want nothing but your soul.
- Translation of 'Amour plastique' by Videoclub from French to Spanish. Contributions: 111 translations, 106 thanks received, 18 translation requests fulfilled for 6 members, added 3 idioms, explained 3 idioms.
Performed by: Videoclub
In my mind, everything goes wild. I lose myself in your eyes. I drown myself in the vagueness of your loving gaze. I want only your soul going wild on my skin. VIDEOCLUB - Amour Plastique (English Translation) Lyrics: In my mind everything rambles / I get lost in your eyes / I get drown in the wave / Of your lover glance / I want nothing but your soul.
Lyrics I like:
Dans mon esprit tout divague
Je me perds dans tes yeux
Je me noie dans la vague de ton regard amoureux
Je ne veux que ton âme divaguant sur ma peau
In my mind everything wanders
I get lost in your eyes
I’m drowning in the wave of your loving gaze
I only want your soul wandering on my skin
*music & lyrics | all rights reserved*
I like to listen to songs en français, so I won’t forget the French I learned in school! Are you studying French? I hope you’ll find this weekly series entertaining and helpful, too!
Amour Plastique Lyrics Video Club
Got a French song I should add to my playlist? Let me know in the comments below!
Amour Plastique Lyrics Video Club
Until next Music Monday, have a good week ahead.